Do not put your bong under the mattress or in a dark corner. This isn't going to work. If your friends or family, or anyone else you share your home with is looking to locate your bong, they'll be looking around first. This is why you have to think of ways to make it...
How does a bong actually work? These Myths about Bongs
The history of the humble bong dates back thousands of years. Ancient cultures used the bong to enjoy drugs such as marijuana and opium. The earliest evidence of bong use can be traced back to the Scythian tribes in Central Asia around 2400 years ago. Archaeological...
How are Bongs Made
A bong is a smoking device also known as a water pipe to smoke herbs, tobacco, and other smoking substances. It is a filtration device that filters the smoke and makes it smoother and less harmful for your lungs. Bongs are used commonly by smokers for recent few...
What is a Bong? A short description of Bongs
A bong is an old device; people used it for smoking herbs through a pipe heating the herbs or other substances in a bowl from water steam. The origin of this smoking device came from Thailand, and the name of this device also came from the Thai word “baung”. People of...
What is a Bong? A Complete Guide to Bongs
A bong can be used for smoking dried herbs. These bongs are also known as water pipes or "water bongs." This device filters smoke from the herb's healing process by diffusing it with water. Although bongs come in many shapes and sizes, there is one thing that all of...